Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do you think she woke up one morning and said: I think I'll go to Jordan today?

So you know how in the movies, a character makes exactly one decision, often an arbitrary one, and all of a sudden there’s an uplifting song and a montage of that character completely changing her life. In Legally Blonde, Elle buys a laptop, gets a montage that just involves carrying books and reading while on the StairMaster, and then, BOOM, awesome legal internship. In The Devil Wears Prada, Andy asks for a makeover, and then, BOOM, gets an awesome fashion montage and then magically starts killing it at her job. It’s no wonder I assumed that just living in Jordan I would learn the language (by osmosis? Wouldn’t that be cool!).*

During the day I fumble over speaking and pausing to think about what I’m saying while trying to pick out the words I know from the sentences that are being spoken at me to try and maybe make some connection. Most of the time they just give up and I feel defeated a little. One time I am pretty sure I got a “Aw she is cute when she tries.” Why can’t they love me for my mind and not my adorable looks! Where is Margot's lucky scrunchie when you need it (If it helped her pass spanish it can do anything!).

The one good thing out of not knowing the language and having people know you don’t really know the language is people just kind of let you be most of the time. So I can choose when I want to listen and when I don’t. I listen to try and see if I understand what is being said for about a half an hour then I have time to ponder life’s real questions. Do musicians have their own music on their iPod as their band name or is it just under ‘me’? Did Britney Spears ever find Amy?

In summary, dear chick flicks, you have ruined my expectations for everything and I hate you! However, if I ever find myself in a bunny costume at the apple store buying a computer and there is a Luke Wilson standing behind me it will make up for everything you have put me through. (You hear that cosmos or karma or whomever i need to speak to for this to happen! All will be forgotten...)

I start English tomorrow… I am sure it will be interesting!

*Yes this was my status but I thought it would also make a good blog entry… Double dipping is allowed! (my blog, my rules)


Oh Elle, sometimes the bend and snap doesn't work everytime!

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